Vera Wang wedding gowns

This royal wedding must be contagious because this morning I found myself searching for wedding gowns. A lot has beens said about Kate’s choice regarding the dress. McQueen has been pointed as one of the most obvious choices, but I don’t think she would like to be so predictable. Vera Wang is back to the wedding industry, since she started designing gowns again and in my opinion it would be a lovely choice (although not less obvious). All the dresses below are Vera Wang. Just some randomly googled I found and I liked all of them.


I loved this dress from an editorial, I just couldn’t find from which magazine it is. Do you know?

If you have seen the movie Bride Wars, you will recognize this dress as the one Kate Hudson chooses for her wedding. It’s one of my favorites too. Which one is yours?

One thought on “Vera Wang wedding gowns

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